Have you started setting goals and plans for your business for 2021? If you answered no, may I ask what you are waiting for? If you haven’t started, it’s a perfect time to start thinking about what you need in this next year to be a success. In the business world, most companies start their planning somewhere around September for the new year. Note, that is not an intimidation factor, hopefully it’s motivation. Let me let you in on another secret. I just started planning a few days ago. You are not alone. We’re in this together!

In the process of planning for the new year, here are a few things you might want  to consider to help you get started.

Start with, what did I do in the previous year and prior that has really worked well for my business. Consider dialing that up or taking it to the next level. Maybe you had a solid social media strategy that brought you in new fans and lots of engagement. How can you take that to the next level? Maybe now that you have the followers and engagement, you want to do more ads. That could be a way to turn your fans or prospects into clients. For me, I found network groups to be a good thing. Not necessarily in terms of clients per se but also aligning in terms of aligning my business with the right vendors I can use to support me. I believe if I stick to it, the clients will come. I also love that I have stayed committed to writing a blog per week. It’s been an exercise in discipline to say the least.

So naturally, when you take the good, you have to take the bad. Ask yourself what hasn’t served your business this year? Are you spending money in places that are not generating revenue for you? Are you not bringing in clients? Remember, it’s never too late to do more market research or focus groups to analyze what is not working and to gain different perspective.

Have you set goals and objectives for your business? After you have analyzed what worked well for you and what didn’t, then set a goal or objective for the year. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive sales, create more classes, improve your customer service, publish more content. Note these may be part of your plans but it’s important to know what some of your overarching objectives are for the year so you can build a solid plan that really reflects that objective.

What is your data telling you? Are you using Google analytics to determine website traffic and impressions to your website? What about Instagram and Facebook insights for social trends? If you use a content management tool for your social media like Sprout Social or Hootsuite, they will provide analytics also that will help inform how your content is performing. Use that data to create good, solid plans for the future.

Last year I set a sales goal and it was basically unrealistic. In my defense, it was my first year of business. Now that I have a year behind me, I am rethinking those goals and including a goal and a stretch goal with touchpoints every 3 months to see where I’m trending. Setting goals and those that are realistic at that, are an important part of your business structure. You need something to work towards. Make sure to check in with how you are measuring to those goals regularly. Even consider breaking your yearly goals into monthly goals to start so they feel achievable.

How are you marketing your business? Listen, I will be the first to say that marketing can be expensive but it’s worth the investment. There are so many things to consider like ads, PR, content, social media and more. A good tip is to think about your ideal clients. What do they respond best to? What channels can you use to connect with them more frequently?  Again, ask you market research clan. They will give you valuable feedback. Keep in mind there are easy things you can do yourself to develop your marketing and branding. I outline several ideas in my consumer connection course. You can get those ideas here:  https://content-redefined-llc.mykajabi.com/plans

Need help planning 2021? The great news is that based on how 2020 has gone, 2021 should be a walk in the park! Kidding, 2020 was great for many and 2021 will be even better. At Content Redefined, we help clients create strategic plans that pivot you forward… With connection and success. Email us at [email protected] and let’s chat. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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