How Do I know What the Right Social Media Channels are for My Business?

Defining a marketing strategy for your new or up and coming business is a very important task. Most new business owners and Entrepreneurs struggle with deciding on how to start connecting with their audiences through marketing and branding. Between branding, websites, email, social media, print, search, there are so many different marketing channels to choose […]
Is Your Brand Culture Part of Your Marketing?

I was mentoring an intern today and he asked me to define culture within a brand and what that means to me. That was a great question and it sparked some thoughts for me. A great marketing strategy is one that integrates the culture of your business, philosophy and customers into your assets, branding and […]
Help. I need to write a powerful elevator pitch!

Yesterday, I was speaking with a client and they were having trouble creating their elevator pitch or their story about how they help others. Some people call it your simple structure sentence, an I help statement or an elevator pitch but regardless of how we refer to it, this principle is important. As an Entrepreneur, […]
Marketing Mistakes

As an Entrepreneur it’s easy to fall into the trap of everyone’s doing it so I should too. That is not true. A good marketing strategy is based on understanding the needs of your target audience. While Learning is always a great opportunity, some marketing mistakes can harm your brand. As a marketer for over […]
A Work Culture that Includes Mindfulness

In today’s world, there is an increasing need by business owners to use mindfulness techniques in their overall operational strategy to ensure high sales growth and a collaborative working environment. According to a recent article published by Guidant Financial, in 2020, there was a 27% increase in the number of Entrepreneurial and small businesses that […]
What is this PR Thing I Hear About?

Greetings my Entrepreneurial buddies! Today I want to talk about another branch of marketing and that’s PR. What is Public Relations? It’s simply how we get our brand story to the media. Through PR strategies, you create a system by which the story of your business or brand gets to the public. PR helps you to […]
Why Do I need Branding and Marketing Anyway?

As an entrepreneur, you might often times wonder, why do I need marketing and branding? It’s so expensive, I don’t have the time, there has got to be another way! Someone said to me the other day, I know a lot of people, I don’t have the money to spend on marketing. I’ll just tell […]
The Best Relationship

Just like any relationship, like dating a marriage, siblings, friends and professional relationships, consumer relationships take time and nurturing. They need time and attention. Relationships are a staple for human connection and emotional support. We all need them in one form or another. In terms of marketing, the one thing that is important to remember […]
The Basics of Advertising

How are you liking your new gig as an Entrepreneur? Has it become easier as the days go by? Are you effectively reaching your clients? I was asked the other day by a client, what goes into creating a powerful ad and I realized that this is a loaded question. There are so many different […]

In the game of Entrepreneurship, we often ask ourselves many questions. I have found myself questioning, is this the right time? Am I offering what my clients need? Oh and then, there’s the big one… are you crazy? That one comes up a few times per month. I’m sure you all can add on to […]