
In the game of Entrepreneurship, we often ask ourselves many questions. I have found myself questioning, is this the right time? Am I offering what my clients need? Oh and then, there’s the big one… are you crazy? That one comes up a few times per month. I’m sure you all can add on to this never ending list of the types of questions we ask ourselves but I have learned that one of the most important questions you need to ask yourself from the onset is WHY? Why have I created this business? It’s a simple question but it has a grave impact on the outcome of success.

So you might be asking, why is the why important. Very good question. Before I get into that, I challenge you to listen to Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk called “Start With Why.” A lot of what I share in this blog is based on that talk. So now to go back to the question Why the Why? Think about famous people or cause related powerhouses that you know.  Let’s use Martin Luther King Jr. as an example. If you ask many people what he stood for, most everyone can give you an answer. Have you ever thought about that and wondered why that is? His movement and brand started with the why! His cause was designed to help the oppressed, the underdog, African Americans and many more groups to have the same liberties as everyone else. His work was around Equality for All. People believed in his work, supported him, uttered his name and principles at the family dinner table, heck, we even named a holiday after him because his brand was centered around his why. The takeaway here is that most people become more connected to a product, brand, movement or idea when they understand the why behind it. As you probably already know, one of the main things that Content Redefined is based on is determining how to really connect with your target audience. We believe that through that connection, you inspire people to buy. So as you are developing your business, ask yourself why am I doing this? Use that mantra of your why in your branding and marketing. Make sure people are clear as to why your business exists.

Do you manage a team as part of your business? One of the best ways to motivate them is to not just delegate tasks to them but to share the why behind the tasks. Once you create and deliver that story, it gives them the opportunity to decide whether or not they really want to be invested in the task and it’s success. Many great leaders in the world like Martin Luther King Jr, Steve Jobs and even Walt Disney led their teams and their brands starting with the Why. As a result of that leadership, these people and brands have seen a tremendous amount of growth, success and subscription to their movement. You can build, lead, inspire and succeed when you use the why to enroll your clients.

So this would be a great time for me to share the why behind my business. For any of you reading this that have worked with Content Redefined, you know that I love working with people. While I have a team of outstanding partners that work with me, I like to meet each one of my clients individually and manage that relationship. People inspire me. All that being said, are you ready to hear my why? Ok. Here goes. The Why behind Content Redefined is that we want to “empower people to empower people in the hopes that it will change the world”. That’s it! See  I believe that we all need each other to be a success. Whether it’s words of encouragement, transferring business and services or just sharing insight, we are greater because of the empowerment of others. My business is greater because of you. So shout out to all my fellow entrepreneurs! Let’s empower one another to empower one another!

So remember to stop for a second and recharge your battery! During that time, if you haven’t already given thought to your why, give it whirl. Share that why with your clients and use it in your marketing! Need help defining your why? Or need some advice on how to integrate it into your strategy? You’ve come to the right place. Email us at [email protected] and we can help. We look forward to chatting with you!