Believe it or not, Being an Entrepreneur is not just about making money. Yes, money is awesome but a great entrepreneur is going to be someone who wants to give back and make an impact in this world. Note, you are already going to make an impact by offering a sound solid product or service but there is always more you can do. Now if you are like me, you might be saying, “where am I going to find the time to take on one more thing.” I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Start with your clients. Encourage your clients to be and do their best. As a Marketer, I try to follow all of my clients on their social media pages. I acknowledge great content or their efforts in growing their business. It only takes a minute to like, comment or share their content. I also offer unlimited support for my clients. That means, even after their project is complete, they can call, email or get feedback from me. Remember when possible to buy their products and services. Give them feedback on your purchase and usage of their brand. This will help them to grow and be successful. It may also encourage them to stay loyal to you!

Do you support a philanthropy, religious organization, non profit? For starters,
You can leave them a review about the work they do and how they impact others. Here’s a thought. Ask them if you can write a blog or an editorial for them. Talk about why you were inspired to partner with them and the impact you have as partners on society. This will also give your business some visibility. They can feature you on their blog, website or maybe even get you exposure to another advertising partner.

As entrepreneurs, I know that your time is of the essence. That said, when you give of your time, you’re contributing in a way that can be deemed as almost priceless. Think about volunteering at an event or financially contributing to a cause. Contributions with some limitations can also be used as a tax or financial business benefit, so you are helping your business while you help others.

In your day to day interactions with others, remember to be kind. Give others a word of encouragement. Acknowledge their talent or business venture. Sometimes I’ll proofread someone’s content for them or offer them an idea that they can expand upon to grow their business. Free discovery calls where you have taken the time to audit their social media quickly or review their website for recommendations before getting on a call is also a way to be generous and socially responsible. Today, giving back is essential in changing our world for the good. Are you in?

Remember, when you give back, you are actually opening a door to receive. I’ve noticed that often when I give back to people I work with, the universe brings me more good and prosperity. Whether it’s a free coaching or planning session, or a free piece of copy, by helping others you add value and credibility to your own business.

So support a local business or organization today. You will be contributing to society, your clients and yourself. It’s a great feeling and I promise it will be rewarded. What can you do today to support one of your clients or a local philanthropy or cause that needs your help? Need some suggestions? We are here to help. Just reach out!

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