Who Is My Tribe?

Part of growing a successful brand is defining your target audience. Knowing your target audience is a critical piece of your strategy. Without knowing who they are, Marketing properly is virtually impossible. Take messaging for example. Your messaging to an advanced target audience will sound very different than that of a millennial audience. The look and […]

Engagement is The Name of the Game

Is your business on social media? Which platform are you using? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tic Toc? No matter what you are active on, here’s an important tip… stay connected to your fans. How do you expect them to stay loyal to you if they never hear from you? It’s great to have tons of fans […]

Who Is Reading This Stuff Anyway?

Welcome back to my blog. I hope the topics I outline are helping you guys become more comfortable with your entrepreneurial journey. Sometimes I ask myself, “who the hell wants to read what I have to say or are people even reading this” and then I say, you know what, it may not be for […]