Who Is My Tribe?

Part of growing a successful brand is defining your target audience. Knowing your target audience is a critical piece of your strategy. Without knowing who they are, Marketing properly is virtually impossible. Take messaging for example. Your messaging to an advanced target audience will sound very different than that of a millennial audience. The look and […]

Online Classes Anyone?

As entrepreneurs, it’s very important to share our level of expertise broadly with our audiences. Why? It exerts us as a subject matter expert in our space. It also builds trust. Think about it, if someone you never met or heard of asked you to buy their product, you might be reluctant. Now what if […]

Why is Digital Marketing Important in 2020?

As new Entrepreneurs, you might be asking, why is Digital Marketing important in the year 2020. It’s a fair question that needs to be answered. First, you should know that According to RetailDive, 87% of buyers start searching for products for purchasing purposes online. If you really look at that stat, it probably makes a lot […]