How do I make my presence known?

Making your business known is an important piece in ensuring you can drive sales and make an impact to your target audience. You might be asking; how do I get my business out there or how can I make myself known? That’s a very important question. Of course, marketing and branding are key in making […]
Marketing Mistakes

As an Entrepreneur it’s easy to fall into the trap of everyone’s doing it so I should too. That is not true. A good marketing strategy is based on understanding the needs of your target audience. While Learning is always a great opportunity, some marketing mistakes can harm your brand. As a marketer for over […]
Once Upon A Time

I have sometimes wondered why children are so memorized by a great bedtime story. What is it that actually catches their attention? What is so powerful about the age old line “Once Upon A Time”? All these questions could be answered a number of ways. Maybe it’s the characters or the wildly imaginative brainpower of […]