Quick Tips to Market Research

Recently, I had clients asking me what is the best way to do Market Research. That is a loaded question, but I am here to tell you that Market Research doesn’t need to be a formal process. Market Research is about getting feedback from your clients on the things that will inform how you position, […]
Is Your Brand Culture Part of Your Marketing?

I was mentoring an intern today and he asked me to define culture within a brand and what that means to me. That was a great question and it sparked some thoughts for me. A great marketing strategy is one that integrates the culture of your business, philosophy and customers into your assets, branding and […]
Happy Holidays

It’s hard to believe that the holidays are already here. It feels like this year has just blown by. It was certainly a different year for al of us but now is the time to reflect on all the good that this year did bring and the magic to happen in 2021. What do you […]
When Did We Get So Social?

The last couple of months of staying inside the house and being socially distant has been a bit challenging. If you were a socialite prior to the Pandemic, this time has probably been somewhat of a nightmare for you. Don’t worry, you are not alone. Although I have taken this time to focus on growing […]
A Tribute to John Lewis

“When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something, You have to do something” This quote comes from the late John Lewis. What a man he was. Georgia Congressman serving our government for over 30 years, protégé of Martin Luther King Jr., […]