You Are What You Write?

No matter what you believe, something is going on in the world today. Many people are losing jobs, standing on food lines to get their basic needs met and struggling to pay their bills. People, adults and kids alike are getting sick and it’s a time for us all to come together. The words we speak and write are so important in ensuring that we are not triggering hate, unkindness or negative thoughts or feelings for our audiences. In addition to all the above, your content is a reflection of you and your brand. It serves as a prerequisite for what you are capable of producing. It’s important to take content writing very seriously. Use your content to educate, inform and relate to your audiences. Are you writing content as part of your business model? If so, this blog is for you.

When writing content, there are a few things you want to be aware of to ensure you are speaking to your audience in a way that educate and yet moves them. Here are some valuables tips you can use as you develop strong content.

Plan ahead! Think about the topic you are writing about and create an outline so your thoughts remain organized. When you write, it should be in a very thoughtful fashion. Think about your opening. Part of a strong opening is a clear path to what your content is going to be about. What problem or question are you solving for your audience? Create a killer opening that suggests what problem you are solving. Your middle, or the meat of your content should be your proof points or teaching points on how to solve the issue. Usage of statistics, facts and numbers are a great tool to support your content. The last section should summarize it all and wrap it in a bow.

Do Research. As you will recall from your market research process, research is a great way to gain different perspective, facts and Intel about a variety of topics. Research will help you attract the right customers, educate them on a topic and  provide value to them. Research will also lead you to an understanding of what your competitors might be saying or doing in the area your content is focused on. Research makes your content credible.

Know your audience. Ask yourself where are your clients at in the sales funnel? If they are constantly purchasing from you the message will be different then if you are trying to influence them to become a loyal consumer of your product. If your content is about topics that are more relative to women, ensure that the imagery you use, if any, matches that demographic. Think about the things that your audience find important and use that to substantiate your copy. Put yourself in the shoes of your audience when you write for them.

Be conscious! As I mentioned when I started this blog, we are not only being impacted by what is going on in our world but some people have personal challenges they are facing. When you write content, be empathetic and conscious of your audiences. Try to stay away from topics of controversy (unless you are intentionally writing about these topics) and remember to be humane. Be kind to others.

Tell a story. Be sure your content flows. When you can, use vivid examples, share an experience that relates to the content you are writing and capture your audiences attention by being altruistic but speaking to topics and thoughts that really matter or impact them. Think of your favorite book or story. What about it appeals to you? Is it the way a character handles a problem, is it the drama or is it the way they make you laugh? All of these elements can have a rightful place in your content. Remember, there is a time and place for everything so make sure as your are planning your outline, you are thinking about the kind of story you want to tell.

Optimize your content to be found. Remember to use your keywords for your brand in your content. Bullet points, numbered lists and short paragraphs all support the theory of optimized content that is easy to digest. No matter what the content, whether it’s social media or a blog, use your keywords so it supports you being found in search engines. Be consistent in this practice.

Edit and Proofread. Remember to check your work. It’s Important to utilize correct grammar and good spelling in your content. It’s a reflection of you and plays to your credibility. It’s essential that you take the time to read and reread your content in order to ensure that you create an impression that is lasting.  Tools like grammarly and editor in Microsoft Word are good editing resources. Remember, a nicely edited piece of content is a well received piece of content.

What are your thoughts on what makes great and engaging content? We would love to hear from you. Are you looking to create content for your brand that packs a punch and really impresses your audience? We are hear to help. Reach out to us at [email protected]